There are many anti bed bug products on the market. Unfortunately, many of these insecticides are dangerous to human health and do not comply with current regulations. Such is the case with Sniper 1000 EC: a deadly substance that has caused over 1,000 cases of poisoning in Europe! We explain.
Article updated on 01/09/2024.
What is Sniper 1000 EC DDVP insecticide?
A deadly substance

Sniper 1000 EC insecticide is a chemical widely used in many countries to combat infestations by bed bugs and other pests, such as cockroaches. This product contains DDVP (dichlorvos), an organophosphorus compound known for its effectiveness as an insecticide, but extremely dangerous to human health.
Symptoms of intoxication are as follows:
- Feeling unwell ;
- Eye disorders ;
- Neurological disorders ;
- Neuromuscular disorders;
- Respiratory difficulties;
- Coma.
In the event of inhalation, ingestion or skin contact, dicholorvos presents a mortal danger. For example, an octogenarian was found unconscious in his home in Lyon on October 29, 2023. The victim’s son alerted the fire department after discovering his father in respiratory distress at home. He attributed the death to the recent use of two vials of Sniper 1000 EC. “ He thought he’d found a miracle product,” says his son.
Following the discovery of the insecticide in the victim’s home, the Lyon public prosecutor’s office opened an investigation for “manslaughter” and “unauthorized sale of a dangerous product”.
Thousands of cases of poisoning
The French National Health and Safety Agency (ANSES) has identified more than 1,000 cases of poisoning, some of them serious, between 2007 and 2021, linked to insecticide products, including Sniper 1000 EC, used in the fight against bed bugs.
Many of the hospitalizations involved children who ingested the Sniper product left within their reach.
Doctor Jérôme Lagrand, head of department at the Paris Poison Control Center, pointed out in October that Sniper “is being used more and more” despite its ban.
A product available on the black market
Alexandre Woog, head of a company specializing in pest control, explains that although the product is banned, it remains commonplace and easily accessible, even becoming “fashionable”. The product is widely advertised on social networks, where fake profiles are quick to recommend the Sniper 1000 EC DDVP, also known as the Shooter 1000 EC DDVP.
Buyers regularly turn to this product because of its low price. Made in China and other Asian and African countries, it is attractively priced compared with legal treatments. As well as being available online, Sniper insecticide is also available to private individuals in certain markets and bazaars, particularly in the north of Paris and in Seine-Saint-Denis.
The Direction Générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des Fraudes (DGCCRF) regularly makes seizures.

Health authorities ban Sniper 1000 EC DDVP
Described as a “public health problem”, the insecticide SNIPER 1000 EC DDVP has been banned from sale in Europe since 2013 due to its dangerousness.
The Anses naturally recommends using “ conventional distribution channels” to avoid unknowingly buying dangerous products.
To find out more, visit rappel.conso.gouv
Bed bugs: our legal and effective plant-based treatment!
SOS Bedbugs Treatment is a natural insecticide effective against bed bugs for immediate, safe and long-lasting protection.
Find out more about how Sereni-d can help you get rid of bed bugs naturally in our article Bed bugs: treatments, symptoms and causes.